Overloon war museaum

Overloon war museaum

A day in Overloon war museum

Overloon war museum consists of two themed museums. The national war and resistance museum and the Marshall museum.

National war and resistance museum

The national war and resistance museums presents the history of World War II. Here you can learn all about the history, the persecution of the Jews, the resistance, the liberation and of course last but not least ‘the battle of Overloon’. Overloon and Venray were freed after a three-week tank battle. This battle was the heaviest battle ever on Dutch territory.

Marshall museum

In the Marshall museum you can see more than 150 historic means of transport (including boats and aircrafts). You get a picture of the invasion of Normany during d-day. The battle of Arnhem and the battle in the Ardennes. In addition, you can see how logistics was taken care of through the ‘Red Ball Highway’. The front troops got their supplies through this route during their advance in France.

Planning a visit to the Overloon war museum? Make your trip complete with an overnight stay in one of our hotels or use one of the offers below.

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