Sustainable development

Sustainability is an essential part of society and Van der Valk attaches great importance to it. We want to ensure that the world we live in remains liveable for future generations. This is why corporate social responsibility is high on our list of priorities and why we are happy to share with you how we do it.

At Van der Valk, we work every day to promote sustainability and we recognise that this is an ongoing process. We constantly strive to become better than we were yesterday. For example, we have already taken a number of initiatives to become more sustainable, such as our Green Stay programme, where we plant trees for every room that is not cleaned. In addition, several Van der Valk hotels have received the Green Key certificate, a globally recognised certification awarded only to the most sustainable businesses. The hotels also strive to make their various facilities as sustainable as possible.

Sustainability is not an easy goal to achieve, but at Van der Valk we are determined to do our bit to ensure a better future for everyone. We remain committed to doing business more sustainably and hope to set an example for other companies and individuals. Because only by working together can we achieve a sustainable future.

It is not enough to attach importance to sustainability, we must also take action. At Van der Valk, one of the ways we do this is through the Green Key and Green Stay. These terms may sound simple, but below is an explanation of each concept. For more information on the hotels' sustainability activities, please visit the websites of the hotels themselves. If you still have questions about sustainability, please contact the hotel where you are staying or plan to stay.


Green Stay

We aim to continue this hospitality for future generations, which is why it is important to take good care of the planet. With a Green Stay stay, guests can now contribute to a better environment during their stay.


Green Key

Green Key is a globally recognised seal of approval for companies in the leisure, recreation and business market that are committed to sustainability. Several Van der Valk hotels are therefore proud to be Green Key certified.