Weekend away at Van der Valk

Do you feel the need to pamper yourself? How about a relaxing weekend away? During your stay at Van der Valk, you will be provided with every convenience. For example, you can make use of the hotel's wellness and fitness facilities. Relax in the sauna or take a dip in the swimming pool. In addition, some hotels also have a beauty salon where you can enjoy various massages and beauty treatments. Do you want to unwind and not have to think about anything? Then choose a night in one of the luxury suites. These suites have a king-size bed and spacious bathroom with whirlpool bath or sometimes even a private sauna. You can also make use of the hotel's room service. So you don't have to leave your suite and can relax to the fullest.

Weekend break

A weekend break at Van der Valk is a great treat. When you book a multi-day stay, in addition to an overnight stay and an extensive breakfast, you can make full use of the hotel facilities. In addition, the hotels have plenty of fun activities in the area. In short, a weekend break at Van der Valk is always a good idea.

Weekend break in a hotel with restaurant

You can also come to Van der Valk for a weekend break with culinary enjoyment. During your stay, we invite you to our restaurant. Here you can enjoy an extensive breakfast, lunch or dinner. With a wide range of different dishes, there is something for everyone.


The Van der Valk hotels are perfectly located, so there is plenty to do in the area. Many hotels are located near an amusement park, a zoo, the city centre or a nature reserve. Thanks to this perfect location, you can go out in all kinds of ways with your partner or family.

Weekend break deals at Van der Valk

Would you like to book a spontaneous weekend break? Then check out offers from participating hotels. Several Van der Valk Hotels offer various rooms for a sharp price. This way, you can get away at the last minute for a bargain price. Are you already familiar with the 3=2 concept at Van der Valk? This is ideal for a weekend break at Van der Valk. You stay 3 nights, but only pay for 2.

Participating hotels

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