Hotel with swimming pool
When you stay overnight in a Van der Valk hotel, as a guest you may use the facilities such as the swimming pool or wellness for free. The hotel facilities are different in each hotel, but you will find a swimming pool in many Van der Valk hotels. Whether you are looking for a relaxing holiday or just want to get away for a night, a hotel with a swimming pool offers the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself. For example, you can swim sports laps or just enjoy bobbing in the water. Come relax, unwind and enjoy yourself in a Van der Valk hotel with swimming pool.
Hotels with swimming pool in the Netherlands
There are many beautiful Van der Valk hotels with swimming pools in the Netherlands. For summer days, a number of hotels have a wonderful outdoor swimming pool, for example on a roof terrace or even in an extensive wellness garden. But also on winter days, Van der Valk is the right place to be. In most wellness areas of our hotels, you can take a dip in the heated indoor pool and then relax in the sauna. For ultimate relaxation, you don't have to go far away, because you can fully enjoy your stay in a hotel with swimming pool in the Netherlands.
Hotels with swimming pool outside the Netherlands
Do you prefer to look across the border? We also have plenty of hotels with pools abroad. For example, choose a hotel with pool in Germany or other nearby countries. For those who want to go even further afield, you can also find hotels with a swimming pool in Spain, Southern France and the Caribbean, among other places. Enjoy the great weather, culture, food and sights while staying in a lovely hotel with pool.
Find a hotel with indoor or outdoor pool
Are you curious which Van der Valk hotel has a swimming pool? Then take a look below at the offer of a Valk hotel with pool in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Bonaire or Curaçao. Whether you prefer a heated indoor pool or want to sunbathe next to an outdoor pool, our hotels offer something for everyone.
Participating hotels
Most Van der Valk hotels have both a swimming pool and a wellness area. Book several nights away and enjoy all the facilities at one of the hotels and come home fully rested.
The range of facilities offered varies from hotel to hotel. In most hotels, you will find a wellness with sauna and options for beauty treatments or a massage in the beauty salon.
Most Van der Valk hotels offer heated indoor swimming pools. Van der Valk hotels in sunny foreign countries even have outdoor pools!
At Van der Valk, you can book hotels with swimming pool in the Netherlands, but also in other countries such as Belgium, Germany, France, Spain and even the Caribbean.
A hotel with a swimming pool offers numerous benefits, such as relaxation after a long day, the opportunity to play sports and a fun activity for the children. In addition, swimming pools often add a touch of luxury to your stay.
In the Netherlands, you can choose from a wide range of hotels with swimming pools. From luxury wellness resorts to cosy family hotels, there is always an option to suit your needs.