Reptile house 'De aarde'

Reptile house 'De aarde'

Discover Reptile house De Aarde

Reptile house De Aarde is located in Breda and is set up in a tropical atmosphere. The habitats suit the reptiles perfectly. The format of the terrariums and the materials ensure that the animals have a pleasant life. In addition, visitors also get personal attention. Children may enter the reptile petting and even hold them.

Jungle and explanations

In reptile house De Aarde you imagine yourself in a tropical jungle. Between the tropical plants and trees you will see lizards, crocodiles and snakes. However, there are also amphibians like toads, frogs and salamanders. Any questions? The staff will gladly tell you all about the life of reptiles and amphibians. The kids can play on the playground as well.

Combine your trip to reptile house De Aarde with an overnight stay in one of our hotels.


Reptielenhuis De Aarde

Aardenhoek 26

4817 NE Breda

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