Diergaarde Blijdorp

Diergaarde Blijdorp

Experience Diergaarde Blijdorp

Diergaarde Blijdorp is one of the oldest zoo’s in the Netherlands. You can make breathtaking travel among the habitats of animals. From Antarctica to the tropical rainforests of the Amazon. In Blijdorp you can discover the animals of the world.

Arctic animals and black rhinos

Every winter Diergaarde Blijdorp organizes mid-winter-zoo festivities where the whole park is decorated in winter decorations. There is a polar adventure with an indoor playground in the style of Antarctica and there is a route focused on artic animals where you can learn all about the life of the Arctic animals. All year round you can visit the oceanarium with black tip sharks, sea lions and sea turtles. Visit the largest butterfly paradise, Amazonica, of Europe. Step in the ‘Thick skin’ wind and meet the black rhinos and elephants. You can find the young elephant Nhi Linh in the tropical rainforest Taman Indah. In the Tiger Creek you can find the Sumatran tigers. A little further up you can see the famous gorilla Bokito and in the new Savannah you can admire giraffes.

Book a package deal and combine your visit to the Diergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam with an overnight stay in one of our hotels.


Diergaarde Blijdorp


Blijdorplaan 8


3041 JG Rotterdam

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