Amersfoort Zoo

Amersfoort Zoo

Experience the Amersfoort Zoo

Amersfoort Zoo had over 150 different animal species that you can view from up close. Check out mammals such as the buffalo and giraffe. Amphibians and salamanders. You will come across imposing elephants, but also lions, rhinos, meerkats and dino’s. You can find up to seventy life-size, real looking, dinosaurs in the Dinowoods.

Giants and dino’s in Amersfoort Zoo

You can see a wide variety of animals such as land animals, reptiles, fish, birds and butterflies. In the realm of the ‘giants’ you will find the elephants who have an area of 750m2 they can play. Don’t forget to stop by when its feeding time or when they wash themselves in the big pond. Make a trip through the ingenious course set by the umbrella ants. The children can play in the climb-everything-route with a rope bridge and challenging trails. In the dino park you can make a journey through time and you come across real-life dinosaurs such as the infamous T-Rex and Pterodactylus.

Planning on visiting the Amersfoort Zoo? Make your trip complete with an overnight stay in one of our hotels or use one of the offers listed below.


DierenPark Amersfoort

Barchman Wuytierslaan 224


3819 AC Amersfoort

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