Green Key

Green Key is a globally recognised seal of approval for businesses in the leisure, leisure and business sectors that are continuously committed to sustainability. Our Green Key certified hotels do their utmost to protect the environment, while at the same time not losing sight of the comfort and quality of our guests. In doing so, we go beyond what normal laws and regulations require.

A Green Key-certified Van der Valk hotel is known for its economical use of energy and water. This is achieved through the use of solar panels, low-energy bulbs, light sensors, heating and other facilities. There is no excessive washing and eco-friendly cleaning products are used. All this is done with special attention to your comfort as well as to nature and the environment.

But sustainability does not stop at energy and water. A Green Key hotel also focuses on management, communication, community involvement, waste, building and greenery, mobility, food and drink, for example by using local or organic ingredients for the restaurants, sustainable purchasing and textiles. In all these areas, it looks for ways to promote sustainability and protect the environment.

The Green Key certificate has three different levels: bronze, silver and gold. The level is determined by the number of environmental measures a recreation company has implemented. The more measures have been taken, the higher the Green Key level awarded to the company.

By choosing a Van der Valk hotel with Green Key certification, you contribute to a better world. Not only will you enjoy comfort and luxury, but you will also know that your stay has no adverse impact on nature and the environment. In short, a conscious and responsible choice for yourself and the world around us.

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